
Aw-ha-ha! Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

The Sex Pistols were good and it was good that they imploded. PiL was good to varying degrees through the 'Happy?' album. John Lydon is capable of deep feeling and sharp analysis, and he is also capable of an impish immaturity in the interest of taking the piss. You may love him or hate him, but he's always going to

Oh, I know what that Canadian show was called, I just dare not speak its name.

The Nickelodeon I used to watch after school when we first got cable had 'DangerMouse', 'Turkey Television' and 'Mad Movies'. Oh, and the Canadian show with the lockers and the slime.

Fidel—I made that mistake in the mid 90's. When I discovered the Global Electronic Music Market and filled up crate after crate with obscure Post Punk and Funk records that were otherwise out of print and unavailable—I'm glad I have them, but it really dampened the thrill of the hunt there for a while, buying in a

I was hell to our youth pastor when I was forced by my mom to go through confirmation classes before I could choose not to be confirmed(She wanted me to know what I was rejecting—which must have seemed like a relatively enlightened attitude to her, but it left me wondering why I wasn't also going to Hebrew school CCD

I say record only when I mean actual vinyl record—and I often do.

Welcome to the club—I guess I got there at about 25 as well. Not that I was no longer into music, but I put all my energy into music that I grew up with or older. I think there's a point where you just don't have the capacity to cram anything more in there.

When I was in third or fourth grade I was in a gifted kid pullout program and at one point we were all taken to a classroom and in was wheeled an Apple IIe, the first any of us had ever seen up close. Then we were taught how to program a simple loop in BASIC:

Gettin' old like Ali Boumbaye—I'm a high school teacher and always think it's weird whenever I hear about teachers who get into trouble for having inappropriate or sexual relationships with students, because I can't help thinking everytime I interact with students how young they are—in many ways I think much younger

More on music…
What makes me feel old is seeing commercials for nostalgia anthologies full of Rock bands I never heard of because I was too old to listen to them when they were popular the first time around IN THE NINETIES.

Mmmmm…bell-ended sausages.

Even this morning would be an improvement over the present.
I was in the garden then, surrounded by the hum of bees
and the Latin names of flowers, watching the early light
flash off the slanted windows of the greenhouse
and silver the limbs on the rows of dark hemlocks.

The 1790's will never come again. Childhood was big.
People would take walks to the very tops of hills
and write down what they saw in their journals without speaking.
Our collars were high and our hats were extremely soft.
We would surprise each other with alphabets made of twigs.
It was a wonderful time to be alive, or

I feel like I post a link to this once a week, at least, so here it is:
'Nostalgia' by Billy Collins

1972. March 25th. That's right—thirty eight years ago YESTERDAY.

I'm sorry if if XKCD also stated the obvious, but I've been saying that since the omniwebs were but a twinkling in Al Gore's eye.

His real name was Jason. Shecky was a nickname of undetermined origin, but I've never in my life known a nickname to stick so well. The house we lived in was unofficially known to our friends as 'Casa Del Sheck'. He even had an older brother who went to the same school as we did, was something of a BMOC and had three

Here's my motherfuckin' celebration—I called in sick this morning (don't tell nobody) and slept until double digits. Woohoo!—Eleven o'clock! I'm at least half the rebel I always thought I was, and with a coupla carryout Chinese entrees in the fridge, and a world of hurt otherwise, in the words of the immortal Ollie &

Fear of Disco is a classic symptom of Gay panic, Flashman—the cure for which are the following albums: Donna Summer's 'Bad Girls', KC and the Sunshine Band's 'Part 3…And More' and Chic's 'C'est Chic'. Listen to those and call me in the morning.