
Yeah—okay that's obvious—but here's a real observation about 'Xanadu': It is responsible for the unfortunate tendency by people of my generation and after to think of ELO as a Disco band primarily. In fact they were a fairly Pop-oriented Prog Rock band, whose undeniable hooks and use of strings (which were both

I've Been Hornswaggled!
It would appear this film has nothing to do with either Coleridge or Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

I never said you couldn't enjoy it, I said I didn't.

But Vic, we're not talking about the monster at my door—we're talking about the monster caught, tried and convicted. There is and ought to be an emotional distance there—if we believe otherwise there's no such thing as justice. At any rate, I'm kind of in a unique position vis-a-vis the monster at my door—I'm

Don't project your assumptions onto me—If the guy had a stroke, which would account for his inability to speak and get around, it's also quite possible that he has other language deficiencies, including aphasia, which would affect his ability to use language in any number of ways, including reading and writing.

If you see it coming a mile away and you've seen it a hundred maybe a thousand times before—and especially if it owes everything to the conventions of the genre and could never happen in real life—it is a flaw. It takes you out of the narrative and leaves you thinking more about the choices of the director than the

"Although I understand what you meant, the phrase "society is therefore safer, but no better off morally" veers close to nonsense. A society without molested children is no more "moral" than one with it?"

When I was in college I used to regularly drive through Camden Ohio, which is the town Winesburg is based on. I wish I could endorse that book more highly, but for a Modernist smalltown expose I prefer 'Spoon River Anthology': http://spoonriveranthology….
but I'm partial to dramatic monologues.

The Ludovico technique is not rehabilitation but reprogramming—rehabilitation, at least in it's proponent's minds, is a willful and intentional realignment to social norms as a result of a kind of moral conversion.

Sometimes a cliche is just a cliche—and it was totally unecessary. That really long shot of one of the brothers walking up to shoot the driver and then casually walking back was very nicely done, and I think what followed undermined that. In fact, even blowing the truck up was not especially useful to the plot—Are

The best attempt to do D&D style Fantasy in a movie (better even than the 'Lord of the Rings' films) was 'Dragonslayer'—Dark and dirty and unapologetically medieval.

If it is I've never heard of it.

I netflixed it after that bioluminescent review (not glowing exaqctly, see it underlit itself…), and, not expecting much, I was not disappointed. It was several notches above the average SyFy original.

"Either way, we protect society by somehow crippling the offender" Well, there's some that still believe in a quaint thing called rehabilitation, but I admit that's not what prison is up to most of the time.

I don't disagree alurin, but I sometimes think if what you do to "fix" a criminal denies them their full humanity (as opposed to their physical freedom or some other more reasonable consequence) to the degree that they are a collection of moderated impulses or worse, you might as well lobotomize them, or save the

Everything looks phenomenal when aired after 'Cat Woman'.

The irony of course, being that his own survival has done him in—do you think Skylar would question his motives (or his mysterious windfall) if the cancer had taken him and left the money in her lap? Of course not. You can't get indignant with the dead.

that should have been "wet" as in "with blood or viscera". I think this thread has a virus.

Gus won't get his hands went.

What's potentially interesting is that Jesse's embrace of who he is seems to be a much darker revelation than the counselor had in mind—not healing but resignation. Also, we didn't see much of Jesse, but knowing he's clean, knowing he's in such a dark place, and the fact that he seemed last night to have abandoned the