
Betty's runway was conceptually good but very poorly executed.

Acid Betty was mediocre in the challenge last week, the week before, the week before and this week basically flatlined. The unfortunate thing about this week was that her look was original, but very poorly constructed. Her silhouette was awful and her lip sync was flat. She is just a look and she exited at the right

Season 1 was good, season 2's mileage may vary.

this season was pants

They did nothing with her backstory though. So it was like, seeing her in the trailer. but for longer. It does make me excited for her solo film though

how is The Tree of Life not part of this discussion?

It's a crime that AV Club critics put Broad City below Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt last year on the year end list. It made the AV Club's TV critics go down quite severely in my estimation of them.

4 if you count Supergirl

I wish this show was more successful at the other elements, as I fear no one else will adopt the person-first-gay-second trope due to how frustrating the rest of this show is.

I recommend watching the first two episodes, and skipping everything afterwards and I would probably give the entire thing a D. Nothing in my viewing history has made me so furious as the last episode and a half of this show. At least it showed me that good direction and truly superlative acting can't save terrible

Watched all of this in the uk. I was expecting great things from the first episode up until the "big" reveal in the 4th episode, after which it becomes very clear that this show is empty, badly written and pretentious as all hell. The production design is great and the acting is all superb, that the gay themes don't

But that's also fundamentally characterisation. If you're a weedy, uncoordinated person, who also has artificial superstrength, how are you going to look whilst you fight?

Most of what's great about his season was lifted from the comics (and explored more) and most of what didn't work was invented by the writers. It doesn't give me hope for the second season (which I'm assuming will exist, because I want it to)

Helped people kill each other really. The designer of baseball bats has a lot to answer for too.

"Christian ______" usually indicates a type of art that is evangelical and only lyrically exulting, which doesn't give much of a way in to non-christians, but there are countless example of modern artists who are making great art with their Christianity as a irreducible facet of the work. I'd point to Sufjan Stevens'

Worst A.V Club article title in history? put forward your other nominations now.

Jesus, etc. by Wilco?

I literally groaned a few times this season at on the nose music. Almost every licensed song damn-near announced itself and the themes of the scene. It was very attention seeking music.

The least subtle music ever used in a tv season that i really like.

I couldn't agree more. No show has used worse licensed music this year, even though some of the licensed music is incredibly well used.