
I now know you haven't read Spider Gwen, because its as much a "thematic seachange" as Batgirl was, the irony being that Batgirl is tonally very similar to a number of recent Marvel books, great as Batgirl is. But it doesn't matter because for some reason you hate Marvel currently despite a ridiculous amount of

The fact that this is the 2nd lowest ranked episode of the season is a travesty. I call foul.

I've always used it more as a way to catch up on older runs/storylines or on books that I know I don't really want to own. When I find something that I love, I have to own a physical copy - which usually are creator owned books anyway. As much as I love superhero stories, they seldom make me want to own physical

Joss Whedon definitely gave it a good run for his money.

blame comic buyers. I'm also really enjoying Spider Woman by Denis Hopeless, Spider-Gwen, Pak's Storm (while it lasted), Black Widow by Edmondson and Squirrel Girl. I also really like the characterisation of Dawn in Slott and Allred's Silver Surfer. I think Angela: Asgard's Assassin is ok and so is Silk. And Kate

Then batgirl doesn't count either. Which is one of the main reasons DC is being praised in this thread.

I highly recommend Charles Soule's She-Hulk, if you haven't read it already.

I love Unlimited. It's one of the best comics purchases I've ever made.

Yeah, I think that's a great point. I would love that in connection with a more engaged story - like it was in Morrison's run.

While I like a lot of the bat family books, it does kind of feel like their idea of diversity is more in line with how pop music became inundated with supposedly "indie" sounding artists like Mumford and Sons. The creatives on the books are better than Mumford and Sons are at making music, but a lot of them feel like

None of the SW stuff is really. I would watch a Weirdworld movie though.

Who's been gender swapped? only Loki, but (s)he does that a lot.

That's a pretty great thing to see in a mainstream movie. The camera's gaze has been doing the reverse for so long that people hardly see it as a masculine perspective. I wonder if the film was kind of perfect in all other respects but maintained that female perspective, would it still have been reviewed poorly, or if

I'll wait for issue two of E is for Extinction to make a proper call, but the first issue was boring in a way that none of Morrison's work is. Honestly, it was one of the biggest slogs out of any of the Secret Wars tie-ins so far. I hope it picks up.

I may never see the film, but your description of it was joyous.

There is a very important distinction to make between television episodes and film. Television is designed to be serialized and is intended to make each episode work as well as its overall season and series arc. It's patently ludicrous to compare the formats. It's also clearly stated that 3 episodes were watched for

Great episode. I think you missed a beat in your interrogation of Blaine's centrality though. Blaine created those clients. They didn't seek him out. He didn't meat a demand, so the he built himself into his centrality. It's a subtle but important difference.

No point in watching further. None of these queens deserve it.

how did this episode get a higher rating than the final episode of Daredevil????

I have seen it so I won't spoil anything, but it doesn't really set up Civil War in any major way. It's laying some seeds that Civil War will probably germinate, but honestly the major set up in the film is for Ragnarok and Infinity War