Bubbles Wrap

Hmm I wonder if there might be extenuating circumstances, referred to in this very article?

"Expose" is a Top 10 episode of Lost.

Pretty disrespectful for people to come in and discuss the quality of the Walking Dead on an article about the quality of the Walking Dead.

Well, Lost is one of the best network dramas of the century, so no.

Not too outlandish, actually.

*thinking face emoji*


It's a TV show set in the 1980s.

Folks: they're pretty broken.

So what you're saying is they used to have balls, and no longer do?

Not to jump into objectification in the middle of a thread about finally getting a female starring/female directed superhero blockbuster, but…

Far be it for me to question Spielberg but I'll never understand why he didn't end Lincoln on the shot of him walking down the long hallway before leaving for the theatre.

Julianne Moore and Heather Graham frantically chopping up garlic while Wahlberg exclusively refers to his coffin as a dojo.

Man, 2007 was a hell of a year. No Country, Zodiac, and TWBB are three of the absolute best movies of the century (and Assassination is superlatively great too).

Hey! I was going to say that!

Oh, absolutely. I'm just struck by how the first 7 1/2 minutes of this video made me taste ash instead making me smile.

I honestly don't find these funny anymore.

Why is the comment section so thin and ugly all of a sudden?

Right around the same point that healthy skepticism becomes bankrupt pessimism.

I do feel a little differently about Warren and Booker than I do about Joe Citizen, actually.