Bubbles Wrap

Many people thought this.

When he said it had a bittersweet ending, I didn't think he meant urine.

And most importantly the shows we don't know will be great yet.

No, I am the only person.

I am the only person on Earth excited about Game of Thrones.

Holy shit, could this TV show title be a double entendre??

After S2 they could say it's closed circuit TV of paint drying and I'd still be excited.

Did you see the Pollos Hermanos commercial AMC released today??????


Whether the specifics are or not, it does seem increasing likely that Trump is in some way beholden to the Kremlin.

Don't listen to this guy, he only has 700 upvotes!

Please elaborate.

I know Seth does interviews every night, but I'm assuming it takes a little more concentration and acuity to fact check Kellyanne Conway in real-time than it does to listen to Kevin Bacon talk about his pet cat—in which case, good on him for holding her to the fire like that.

How is FilmStruck?

Zootopia would win Best Picture if you cut out Shakira for Sextina Aquafina.

Finally caught Hell or High Water and it is indeed Good. Wasn't totally thrilled by Bridges' Rooster Coburn retread, but if every "summer popcorn movie" was that well made the world would be a better place.

please actually do this obame

Tom Hardy's dad can not actually be named Ed.

I will stan for Awful Sound, Supersymmetry, and the last 2 minutes of Here Comes The Night Time.

Saw them last summer and there can't be many experiences that compare to a whole festival singing along to "Rebellion".