
Just one of many CW's guarantees, like "Bonnie Bennett to collapse on the ground 4 times after being touched by dead megaghosts" and "Bonnie Bennett to burn up camera time by talking to her 29 year old high school boyfriend who rents a duplex on the shores of Muscle Island".

Hrmm, the guys who throw their weights on the ground to scare the shit out of the normies and flex up their muscles flirtatiously (at themselves in the mirror) can come anywhere on the age spectrum.

This week, in "Tyler Lockwood is a needless plot device", Tyler hangs around in chains and pretends to be someone else! Stay tuned into Michael Trevino's contract runs out with CW….

It has that Kierkegaard feel, but with more pumped up kicks.

Anyone who did any sort of work for Klaus would have be slave laborer in one form or another! I bet he has a hard time finding many friends to help him come moving day. Even if he does buy pizzas/bags of blood for all of them.

Sheldon has to change and become a normal human being. It seems pretty simple and straightforward but it would go a long ways to solving this show's ills. Since they're not going to get rid of his character (being the central character of the show) there's no other choice. He started off being robotic and asocial,

Sexretariat face? That's rough.

I am very late to the party here…but this is one of the best albums in a while. I'm astounded this only got a B+…there's nary a bad song on the whole album. While it might not have the brevity of instruments like past Los Campesinos! albums, its concision and sound is so damn infectious. My second favorite album of

After watching American Horror Story and their borderline offensive use of race as camp horror to start the season, watching this episode of South Park seemed like a bit of a balm.  Yes, there were parts of the episode that weren't funny (The World War Z references in particular).  But Cartman's rap, in my opinion,

Except maybe when the camp element blends into slavery torture horror? Maybe then it could be construed as insensitive, perhaps offensive given the  historical legacy of slavery and the social inequality that is continually perpetuated by race today? I guess when that happens,you get long threads on AHS boards about

Or, Coolest Kid, They could play an hour of Jeremy Gilbert's tri-daily workout routine if Klaus dies. It's supernaturally effective. Similar to P90X, with a new technique called muscle compulsion.

I agree with the lack of chemistry between Marcel and Rebekah. It seemed like Marcel is best so far at flashing a confident and slightly smarmy smile-he must have spent a lot of time perfecting that.

It has been mentioned before in reference to TVD, but the fact that Klaus is unable to be killed creates a myriad of problems for the arc of the storyline. Not the idea that "Klaus cannot die because he's truly immortal", because writers for the show can always think up a storyline that deals with killing him (and

But do you understand that the Ford Fiesta gets better highway miles than the Toyota Tercel and Geo Metro combined? Or was the winner of J.D. Power and Associates award for "Best Car Named After a Party" in 2009?

I thought the worst part of the show's premiere was that I had ALREADY SEEN THE MAJORITY OF THE EPISODE. Why replay 70% of the same scenes from last seasons episode of TVD? I would suspect that most of the people that tuned in for the show's opener are TVD fans, so the more enjoyable moments (Rebekah, Klaus, and