the voice of raisins

I sort of get where you're coming from, but for a lot of people (not me), cooking is a creative hobby that they are willing to invest time and money in, so I'm not sure a recommendation for a food blogger is less valuable than a recommendation for Ludacris's Instagram page. I think the AVC can contain this and "Guy

Considering 2/3 of these are food or drink, you guys should have a feature like this at supper club so we can argue about what things are worth stuffing our faces with.

When I was studying abroad, I went with a few people from my group to Italy, which was great except that one girl in the group was vegan, so it was really hard to find places we could all eat together. We went to one place where I ordered a pizza that came topped with about two dozen tiny, whole octopuses. Her face

Hmm, that one doesn't ring a bell

Was that Little Bunny FooFoo? There were several songs in which a few words were dropped each chorus until the whole thing was mimed, but I can't remember if that was one of them.

As a BSA camp staff member from 2009 to 2013, I can report that that has fallen to about 80%.

Fake meat would be a lot better if it didn't market itself as fake meat. The comparison makes people want to judge how the vegetarian version stacks up to the meat version, when it's perfectly fine as its own thing. I've had vegetarian sausage and veggie burgers, in particular, that were filling and tasted good,

I get the arguments against it, but I kind of like this response. Many people saying "all lives matter" haven't experienced the perspective that would allow them to understand why that phrase is offensive in the context they are using it. And calling them racists, though it may be accurate, just shuts down

But when you say certain political beliefs need to be censored, you have to put someone in charge of the censoring, and you are assuming that person or group believes the same thing as you or is you.

A lot of things aren't that black and white, though. Most activist groups of any political orientation use symbolism and hyperbole to get their points across. For instance, it wouldn't be super hard to argue that the slogan "no justice, no peace" is an incitement of violence. You and I don't understand it that way,

When I was studying abroad in the UK, I was explaining how what we called lemonade was different. He asked what American lemonade was, and I said "water, fresh squeezed lemons, and sugar." His response was "why would anyone drink that?"

Nbd, I do it all the time

Super confusingly written. That's a weird sentence any way you look at it.

Oh, I agree that saying most people wouldn't pay more than 15 is valid. I just think that the sentence in the article isn't saying that.

I like you. This isn't worth it.

"Most (40 percent) suggested they could go as high as $15."

Is that just regular AVClub, but without Amazon plugs and GJIs?

"most (40 percent) suggested they could go as high as $15. Anything higher though, and they’re out." The 40% being referred to would be ok paying up to $15, but no more, excluding both the 30% who would bail if it was any more expensive and the 30% who would be ok paying more than $15.


That makes sense. Still better than the rest of the 'net, though.