the voice of raisins

This is purely anecdotal , but my two best friends from college are moderate Republicans, and they are scared shitless, and both of them are absolutely voting for Clinton over Trump.

With Trump as the nominee, there could very well be Republicans in the street protesting.

The number of Bernie supporters attending the RNC will be approximately zero.

Poe's Law strikes again.

1 - White
2 - White
3 - White
4 - White
5 - White

"You know what? I am too good for ewe."

I think Andrew Johnson was our worst President. Defend your choice of Harrison.

Voldemort 2016!
still better than Trump

You're forgetting Jimmy Carter's secret war on Canada. It was a high price to pay for Timbits.

Constitutional Union Party?

Sounds like she's going to be a big Sarah Vowell fan.

The original version of Zorro was from California, but when California was part of Mexico.

Glad I could help :)

It sounds like you're in quite the predicament.

*emoji of an ice cube


Why is 1966 the cutoff between boomers and Gen X? It seems weird to me that anyone born in 1965 would consider themselves a baby boomer.

Well, civilization could continue without them, too.

As a biologist, I can second that. Civilization could continue without any men as long as the women have access to sperm banks.

The Irish should have been the least of anyone's problems in 1859.