the voice of raisins


Fuck yeah. I like how it gets easier for non-Pennamites to pronounce the more they drink.

Which I assume you celebrated by sobbing into a cup of Earl Grey.

Scott's Tots was physically painfully for me.

Let's not forget that Cheney personally shot someone in the face.

Moose are tall enough that they often go right through your windshield, unlike deer.

So you actually just don't give a shit about policy, then?

Yeah, I didn't mean that either of those options are good. I think they are both kind of wacky. I just meant that even voting for a third party is better than not voting.

I don't think they are actually all that similar on trade. Bernie was against free trade, and Trumps stance is basically "we'll have better deals," which isn't really anything.

Counter-counter point: If Britain used an electoral college like we do, the Remain camp probably would have won.

The best local news coverage for my area of eastern PA, which includes 3 small cities, and a few dozen or so smaller towns is just some guy's blog.

To me, the evidence, and the variability between people in most other respects, suggests otherwise, but I guess there's no real way to settle that.

A bad choice stops being a bad choice if the other choice is worse.

I get that people need to inform themselves, but I think most people are genuinely just dumb. Making political decisions means considering a lot of complex issues on multiple temporal scales and levels of social organization, and a lot of people are simply not capable of that, no matter how much they read the news.

If you want to actually hedge your bets, vote Green or Libertarian. That way you at least use your vote to express policy preferences.*

You realize Trump is getting so much free airtime that he literally has not had to pay for ads yet, right?

Why is that dinosaur at :48 playing a banjo? Everyone knows banjos aren't metal unless they are painted black and on fire.

Larry? Barry? Garry?

That baseball glove is on the wrong paw. #sportsball

Probably, but do you want to find out? I don't.