the voice of raisins

You might tomorrow morning. I suspect most Breitbart readers go to bed around 8.

Considering there was a noticeable jazz influence, I don't see anything racist about saying it was jazzy, however awkward an adjective it is. The half-assed tying Obama into the end of story, on the other hand…

"Why are they using my tax dollars to give prisoners saxophones?"

He and some other broadway folks made a hilarious rap about mating beetles on the RadioLab valentine's day podcast. I highly recommend giving that one a listen.

Wow. You've got the face blindness real bad, huh?

1998 was mediocre. 1989 was slightly better than mediocre.

I am a huge fan, and for the life of me cannot figure out why they don't get more attention. Their first album was really good, more traditional, vaguely Muscle Shoals sounding R&B/Rock&Roll stuff. Sound and Color took that sound and launched it into the future, carving out a subgenre that they appear to occupy all

You are assuming either libraries or librarians can afford Tidal.


That would be your great great uncle. A great uncle would be the brother of one of your grandparents.

Hehe. That kinda sounds like one of them old-timey car horns.

It's a shit excuse. Culture is a feedback loop. If you only reward stuff made about white dudes, people will only make stuff about white dudes.

Neither did the AMPAS


something something Tip O'Neill.

I'm at the slowly assembling a stand-up set I know damn well I'll never use stage of my comedy career.

The Interrobang was referring to Spielbergo.

One Breast! Two Breasts!

I'm not a huge fan of his music, either, but I have enjoyed every time I've seen him perform on tv. Especially the more old-school funk thing he did the last time he played the Super Bowl.

Bourne to be Bad