the voice of raisins

There are obviously lots of stories that could be told about a universe like this, but it just looks so cartoony.

Why is logorrheic getting all the attention here, and not pseudo-intellectual nut-scratcher?

*exasperated sigh*

Part of the problem is that people keep making movies that try to get the attention of the academy and end up stacking them with white dudes. It's a feedback loop.

When I went to school in upstate NY I used to curl in the neighboring municipality which is called…

Before I say this next thing, I want to be clear that I cannot stand Scalia. He has made terrible rulings on affirmative action cases in the past, not to mention his vote in favor of dismantling part of the VRA a few years back. He is also terrible for a variety of other reasons. But at the risk of making a whole

Asians have pretty good representation at Sundance this year, apparently.

These have been updated. They used to say "pinkos."

The question is, will Ronan get to use her normal accent in this one?

Thankfully they aren't quite as logorrheic with their bars. The only pub I got a chance to go to in Wales was simply and mercifully named The Glôb.

What I find weird is that both seem to think people want to give Black actors awards because they are actors who are Black, not because of their performances.

Goddamn Eternals.

I was just going to mention that. Obviously most of the characters in Mad Men are terrible people, but that is one of the scenes that just made me absolutely furious. It's just such a simple thing to not leave your shit outside.

I saw that argument, but I don't entirely buy it. The delegates are awarded proportionally, so as long Bernie does reasonably well, I think he can maintain momentum. If he wins either Iowa or NH, I think a lot of people will start taking him seriously who didn't before.

That is still pretty impressive considering something like 25% of voters don't know who he is.

I'm a Bernie fan, but those are outlier polls. He's leading by a healthy margin in NH, but Iowa is pretty much a dead heat.

I think mine would be Jerry/Larry/Barry/Garry. Sometimes they used him really well, but a lot of times the jokes about his incompetence wore thin, and I ended up just feeling bad for him.

That's it!

The correct answer is that moody asshole from Twin Peaks with the motorcycle whose name I forget.

Ann, you opalescent tree shark.