the voice of raisins

I wish

I'm glad being painfully square is cool now. So glad.

I did think he was funny on Parks and Rec, but yeah, his other stuff I find pretty grating. Like, seriously dude, just speak at normal volume every once in a while, it might keep you from getting an aneurism.

Huh? Isn't this site like 90% Simpsons quotes?

I typed in barnacle:
Barnacle Empire
Luminescent Barnacle
Barnacle Within Psyche
Barnacle Coffin
Net Barnacle

Emma Stone? EMMA STONE? Look, Emma Stone is great, but clearly when you are casting someone to play Cruella De Vil, you go with Jessica Walter.

The only hope this has for being good is if the duo's intoxication causes the miniseries to turn into an increasingly accurate adaptation of The Time Machine, and ends with them fighting off giant future-crabs in a post-apocalyptic hellscape.

Everything is funny when I'm high, but pot is just a leaf when I'm not, and that is almost all of the time.

2 Electric 2 Buggaloo: Tokyo Drift

Guys, what can I do before the end of March that is more impressive than Space Oddity?

Not to mention the intense, irrational nationalism.

Some highlights:
"Exploiting the classic liberal trap of over analyzing. Illustrates the effective management of a business that treats people and animals as equals. Also includes, jolly birds that encourage Dumbo to pull himself up by his bootstraps and learn to fly. Also main character is an elephant" - on Dumbo

Duffman can never die, only the musicians around him! Oh, Yeah!

-Randy Quaid

But he can't be a man, 'cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me.


Public Service Announcement: While a dinosaur train would indeed be a cause celebre, pteranodons are not dinosaurs, nor would they have ridden trains, as they could fly. That is all.

San Marino. It's like the tiny Italy everyone forgets.

If you could collaborate with any artist of any medium, irrespective of your own talents, who would it be and why?