the voice of raisins

Tyler Perry's Big Mary's House

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I think state ownership (which is a form of collective ownership) and provision of goods and services, like healthcare, education, energy production, and park and highway administration, could also rightly be considered socialist. In this sense every government is a bit socialist, it is just a matter of degrees, but

Stop trying to make "fetch" happen!

Oh, for sure. Sanders isn't actually much further left than, say, Joe Biden. But most Americans just associate socialism with communism because we haven't had a relevant socialist party in so long.

Labour also had Tony Blair, though. So there's that.

Trump's campaign management team is a room full of monkeys at typewriters.


Normally I would agree, but Halperin and Heileman have both given me the impression that they are very thoughtful, if not the most interesting, political commentators.

My crazy old Portuguese neighbor used to make wine in his garage. He also hated squirrels and used to catch them in have-a-heart traps, then gas them with his truck exhaust as kids were waiting across the street for their bus to school.

I think that might be to provide contrast with their early-Disneyesque shapes in the main character's cartoonish daydreams.

No rule sayin' ya can't make terlet sangria at home, though.

The art looks pretty great, though.

Hey AVC, these mellow Christmas covers you've been doing have been really pretty, but how but throwing in a rocker every once in a while? Like "Christmas" off of Tommy, maybe?

I dunno, he strikes me as very unaware of how much of a pompous, pseudo-intellectual ass he is, considering a person who realized he was a pompous, pseudo-intellectual ass would probably not have released this doc.

Maybe the seeds would have, but I think in both cases the way those moments are tied in with the characters' histories and relationships with each other really subverts the potential corniness.

"Give Brand credit for some self-awareness"

Those kinds of commenters are the scourge of this website.

Throw that in a pot, add some broth, a potato; and baby, you got a stew goin'!