the voice of raisins

*bill spins around to back of head

You are a little late to the party. More than one, actually.

Well, I was referring to the regular posters here, including myself, so the plural first person pronouns were the only ones that made sense. Also, I think that idiom about the matchbooks may have gotten lost in translation.

That's the impression I've gotten, and it becomes much easier to tell in the Savage Love threads.

Is he a Polish midget who wrestles, or a man who only wrestles Polish midgets?

Not really. Most of us just prefer that people consider their political stances, rather than be unthinking drones. Usually as long as you can express an opinion that is reasonable and thoughtful (i.e., not pro-Trump), the regulars around here won't hassle you too much. They may question your thought process, which

I did not do my research. woops

More Shaddows! All scenes should take place in back alleys thick with sewer fog!

Aye, aye, cap'n!

Classic Seinfeld reviews would get lots of readers, I think. I would read the shit out of that.

I thought they were Catholic. It is the universal church.

If I had a tv, I honestly would have tuned in, just to make sure I was watching on the off-chance that an audience member managed to sneak in a rotten tomato or dead fish and hurl it at the Donald's jaundiced noggin.

The Pope is CATHOLIC? Welp, looks like I've got to convert again.

A truer statement there never was

I see you've abandoned the account you were using yesterday, but I still can't decide whether you are a Trump shill or an Insurance Panda shill.

We just turn out for presidential years. What happens in between is anyone's guess.

Just because it is not a 1st amendment issue doesn't mean it isn't censorship. Censorship doesn't have to be done by the government to be censorship. Personally, I think that Trump should not have been invited to host, and the audience should be booing every time he steps on stage, but Lorne/NBC was right not to

Skepticism of the sort that usually happens around here is healthy. I am thoroughly convinced of the gender pay gap and other sexist awfulness that goes on in the entertainment industry. But for some people who have not considered that issue before, it may require substantiation beyond anecdotes. That is part of

But it is not Veteran's [sic] Day.

Being constantly on the verge of drifting into slumber?