
WTF is "third heat"? And don't put one of those links to "Let me Google That For You".

I use cupons regularly and I end up saving like $6 a week on a $200 bill! Cupons, I must not be doing it right.

Ray Romano was great in "Funny People", or I guess I should say that Eminem was great in calling him out.

Hurrah, Mr. Riddle! A post I can enjoy.

TCJ Desserts had Seth, the best villain in TC history.

I Agree i and 1,

Studio 60 had a "two characters trapped on a roof top" episode. No irony.

Also Obligatory:

Unfortunately I noticed the "Easter Egg" (brought to you by "HOP") in Community. It was sitting on Abed's gift table behind the briefcase and was screaming "look at me!". It was on screen for about ten seconds and looked like one of the giant CG eggs from the commercial for the movie. It was obvious and cheap and

@The Ghost of Tom Riddle: MY PIC IS OF BILL MURRAY! Can't and refuse to understand that, friend.

Ghost of TR,

I'm a pencil necked pinhead, and I approve of the show…AND I'm not a fan of guns!

Liam is taxing. This ep. was good, if a bit obvious.

It's odd to think that Vyxsin is the weaker of the two. I like Kent and all, but he seems like the type of guy that is always late for important shit…like picking his brother up form soccer. Somehow he knows the entire periodic table but he would be confused by the operation of a stapler.

And what are you doing at Gamestop, Applied Tech? I thought I told you to do your homework.

Poorly put, Cookie Monster.

Hey you, I'd go with the computer if I were you…"likeable" is not a word.

I actually logged in to make this point (and I never do that): this show deserved an F. That is all. *logging off*

eclectic eel, here you go: IRON GIANT > PIXAR. I mean that from the heart.

Maybe you'll regain your interest when Gabe and Andy compete for Erin's attention. Or when Dwight tries to get a co-worker fired, or when Michael derails a meeting. Imagine how the characters might interact with a surprising guest star, maybe they could get someone from "The Wire".