
Oooh that's good. Here's mine:

So did anyone else have non-book reader friends ask them who the baby was?

Totally agree. I know how many people were anxious for Stoneheart, but could they really have done it in a way that would have worked within the context they've set up?

Nymeria has to resurface if only because we never saw her die onscreen.

I took it as suspicion on her end that Littlefinger is scheming against Jon somehow.

It's not, but going from baby Caligula to his kitten-loving brother is quite a jump.

Oh no snark intended, I just thought it was pretty neat too!

The map from the opening credits lives in the Citadel's library and makes an appearance (I asked the same thing).

I felt bad too! Bit of a wet noodle, but so much more likeable than his brother.

I think that Cersei's pride has always outweighed her intelligence, though. No way she surrenders.

Like Milo & Otis except with throat-ripping.

I'm thinking in terms of the show though, where he outright tells Robert that it's Wylla in the first season. If they do bring up Wylla again I feel like that scene was basically made for a PREVIOUSLY ON sequence.

And eating delicious wolf cookies.

Rhaegar. I mean, Robert.

Honestly I was expecting them to all get killed last night and was surprised that it was just the old man.

I'm interested in seeing if Stannis and Jon somehow meet up before the recapture of Winterfell or if it's 2 separate battles, like the show (which would be stupid, imo, but so be it).

This is so very Jorah.

I'm assuming that's Wylla, the wetnurse that Ned has claimed is Jon's mother for years. She has to have been complicit in the Jon switcharoo.

My mind was blown when I remembered who Diana Rigg is.

Fingers still crossed for Euron's dragon horn.