No way, the sexual tension when removing the clothes and the smiling at the end make it a Jeff/Annie episode.
No way, the sexual tension when removing the clothes and the smiling at the end make it a Jeff/Annie episode.
I don't know what to feel or think anymore.
what have you become?
The emotions I am experiencing right now are at a Modern Warfare, Remedial Chaos level.
… Second funniest comment! SLOW CLAP AGAIN!
I laughed for literally 10 minutes after reading this. This is the funniest ever comment on the AV Club. YOU NEED APPLAUSE - NAY - A SLOW CLAP!
Did you watch the same episode as everyone else?
I hate how predictable this show is. YOU HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL, SMASH!
I feel that the news broadcasters should do a special on this comment section.
"Coach from the darkest timeline" I see what you did there AV Club. Trying to get 30,000 on a Cheers review now with that lil bait.
Not checking the time is the hardest thing to do when watching a procedural!
Harry the Hat is also one of the funniest recurring characters the show ever had. And, Pick a Con is in the top 5, for season 1.
It's so Craig Ferguson for Craig Ferguson not to be named in this article. If CBS doesn't care about him AV club won't /crikey.
Oh the slow motion was so cringe worthy I couldn't look at the screen. And after Fiona's scream I was waiting for ghost face to pop up from behind the door.
Community didn't leave the campus till season 2. It's great to get to know the characters first before you find out how they interact in the 'outside world'
I see the similarities with 'Mixology' but with also 'Enviromental Science' from the first season (and that's just not because it's a musical number). The best thing about this episode is that it proves that the characters can evolve past 'studying at greendale', so that's to all the haters that think the show can't…
As a 17 year old who just discovered Cheers around a year ago it's amazing to see how this show has perserved for so long. Trully an amazing series, I can't wait till you get into the stand-out Sam/Diane dynamic.
A million Tumblr's did go crazy. How could they not? Our favourite show is back and our ship pretty much became confirmed. Life is now complete now that Community is back.