Tayne Crentist

I was surprised at how quickly the plot moved along in this episode. I was incredibly giddy when Cole tried convincing Diane to see Coop. Just seeing those two interact was a pleasure to watch. Also wasn't that the Black Lodge logo that was on the noisy lamp?

NO! more reboots!!!!!!

And guess what! You can probably play Skyrim on it!

As soon as Cobane gets out of rehab

Haha. It made me eating my fourth quarter pounder a real bummer.

"How the hell am I going to wear these glasses?"

Subbed because of their SNL archive. I understand they had to cut out content because of legal reasons but still, it sucks when a favorite sketch of mine is not in.

Present day Dan Aykroyd. No prosthetic penis necessary.

Them treasure chests.. full of scarves!

Anyone hear that old Smodcast episode with Jeff Anderson? Is he funny in it?

I've re-watched Clerks 2 a couple of time and it's first half is entertaining. I always just shut it off when it tries to shoehorn a plot or before the stupid dance sequence.

Pet Sounds interested me a hell of a lot more than Sgt Pepper. I'd rather have a conversation with a Pet Sounds fan than the other.

I worked at a WFM and met John Mackey last year when he was touring the east coast. That dude was so jet lagged he had no idea what he was talking about. It was entertaining to see him struggle to have small talk with his peons.

Are you or are you not the black angel of death?

She sure worked it in Disclosure.

Judgement Day was an awesome show! I loved it. It was pretty entertaining seeing Tommy and Victor bicker endlessly.

He's going to be innocent. I feel like we've been horribly disappointmented by outcomes of which we were certain were going one way. And it ain't going to stop.

Okay I give in! Apparently there were a lot of women who didn't see him "get off".

Heineken? FUCK that shit! PABST! BLUE! RIBBON!

The season 3 finale was underwhelming to me. Pales in comparison to the season 2 finale. Great season though.