I don't think Disney is going to object an ending where all of the non-white males die
I don't think Disney is going to object an ending where all of the non-white males die
Oh blow it out your ass, pansy. Eat a pancake.
I went to see this movie stoned when it came out. I still didn't like it.
Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why
This is big. Big and pink.
People calling her Queen B or whatever reminds me of high school students having nicknames for teachers they thought were cool. It's just embarrassing.
Oh man, I'd love to *KNOW* these female cartoonists, alright. They sound HOT. I voted for Trump.
Haha thanks for mentioning that anecdote! I just looked it up and read it!
Well she's a religious Trump supporter. So that can either really help or hurt your attraction to her. Or maybe not at all.
That was a hot scene!
I thought that was a picture of David Thewlis on the right
So why do people love this show? Not an insult or an invite to insult fans of the show, just curious.
Totally, brah. Now bring bring me them females, suckaaa
Those tweets are fucked up. Not even "hey she's trying to blur the line between comedy and racism" whatever the fuck that means. It was just straight up weirdly racist.
Ugh, the bullshit women have to go through.
A racist treasure, yes.
I wanted Suicide Squad to win Best Picture because I'm legally brain dead.
Haha nice reference
Oscar for Best Picture: Amy Adams!
And finally, all of the fake winners announced by Warren Beatty were in fact fake.