Tayne Crentist

Emma Watson falls in love with a Playstation 2-era video game character

Sting was not involved.

When I saw Rogue One, i thought "now that's some Oscar winning sound mixing!"

then DO IT!!!

Not a bad song either

I was deciding between doing either earlier today

Uh oh! Nervous Mel Gibson alert

OJ's glove or what

Oh yeah? I guess I'll check it out

She's stunning

Meh, I have no idea. Dumb move. I hate twitter.


Is everyone hanging out here and commenting on the Oscars?

That sucks. I just listened to him on the WTF podcast. Hell of an actor. : (

C'mon man. Do you want me to just reply a bunch of times to this comment so you can pretend you triggered someone?

Yeesh. You're really reaching there, buddy.

I do. Have I been using it to keep my desk leveled and not as a gaming console? Sure.

Why aren't people just picking this up for Wii U? That's what I'm doing. I'm really stoked.

Flaming Lips are terrible songwriters. This is coming from someone who has listened to almost all of their albums and even liked a few songs. But in the end, I deleted their whole discography off my Ipod. Funny considering that their whole look seems original and outrageous but their songs are so stale and

They need the backup. He's saved onto a hard drive in Arizona.