Tayne Crentist

I'm going to record a noise album and title it "Celebrity Facebook Apology.. See More"

Absolutely. Positively no sex in the champagnnnnne room.

HA! Neck beard. Haha. Classic

I'm convinced that if she had cast the alcoholic therapist to another actress instead of her damn self, the season would have fared better.

Ugh. Or too much sugar.

My shitstyle determines my micstyle

Me. I am the table.

Oh, give me a break. *fart*


Your girlfriend is pretty damn cool

Oh, please tell me. How does one suck a fuck?

Can John Travolta do the voice for Dracula? like in that SNL skit?

I am excited to see the movie inspire middle-aged wives dropping their panties at a near-empty Applebees and getting it on with their drunk husbands in the bathroom.

The opening track will definitely hook you

I'm considering seeing them too. I feel like I've outgrown post-hardcore but I still listen to them occasionally. I probably will just to shut up the 16 year old version of myself.

Ned Ryerson!

IMDB Message Boards, home to such hits as - "I didn't get the ending (spoiler)", "How graphic are the sex scenes?", "Alternate theory on ending (LONG)", "What song was that?! HELP ME", "Why is this movie rated so high?" and of course "I thought it sucked".

That's a pretty badass picture. Fuck yeah, man.


Why does everyone worship her? Did she discover a cure for a deadly, rampant disease?