Well can you blame us? The one shot (tie fighter flying up as Jyn walks towards it) in the trailer that sparked an interest for me to see it in theaters was absent. It was a good movie and all but damn! they got rid of a lot of interesting shots.
Well can you blame us? The one shot (tie fighter flying up as Jyn walks towards it) in the trailer that sparked an interest for me to see it in theaters was absent. It was a good movie and all but damn! they got rid of a lot of interesting shots.
Ha Ha land
The same could be said of every trailer basically
I think that's their schtick. It's genius. Unless…it's not.
Script leaked. No they don't. Also, the guys from Inception show up. Why? Find out for yourself!!!
All of these movies will probably suck. Will one of these surprise me? Maybe.
The show is horrible. The monoglue, the boring guests (except for Louis CK). The show tries to embarrassingly be like Late Night with Conan but it always fails. There's a gem of a sketch sometimes and the remotes are hilarious. Clueless Gamer used to be really awesome but now they've added guests and it's lame. Also…
Anyone else not a fan of Hanselmann? His art can be amazing but.. I don't get it. I'm fan of alternative comics, I get it's relatable but.. everyone is creaming their pants over this guy.
Who the hell is Wes Anderson?
Thurston Moore's a director now?
I can see a movie like this being made, being exceptionally well - then being chopped up, rearranged, messed around with, and being marketed to the Mountain Dew/Dorito consuming, boob and violence obsessed gamer audience.
Well at least he's not stuffing panties into his mouth..
Amazing how something can have so much potential to entertain yet completely fall flat on it's face. I've never seen it but I know the feeling.
Ugh, I've never seen it. It seems like people aren't exaggerating about how bad it is.
Well THERE'S your problem - get some new kids!
What Would Happen is a pretty good pop song. I'm chiming in a month later to provide that support. Because it's a good song.
We've reached a point where we consider it a possibility for Kayne to have a successful bid for the United States presidency.
TFA had too much fan service. On my second viewing - I kept thinking it wouldn't feel out of place if one of the characters suddenly looked at the camera and winked. Yea yea, the shocking moment in the movie surprised fans.
Didn't you hear? It's John Cena
No Underworld?