Richie Alpert and the Orchid S

In all seriousness even if they're hellbent on an Irish actor for Marlowe, Colin Farrell is far and away a better choice.

I may have to check it out. As a toddler I vaguely remember my Mom watching those on HBO. Boothe would have been a much bigger star if he had been born/burst onto the scene umpteen years later than he did.

You know what on-going noir book series I'm perpetually shocked hasn't been adapted for cable or movies by anyone in the US, UK or Germany? The Bernie Gunther novels by Phillip Kerr.

It's the gender-swapped Mr. Moto reboot no one asked for.

In the Maltese Falcon he's Sam Spade, a different California Detective character (and a somewhat more respected/expensive one at that) than Marlowe. Also Spade's an SF based dick, not LA like Marlowe.

One of my favorite lines of dialogue in the history of film.

She's great in "A Most Violent Year", which to be fair is the only thing I've seen her in.

Mother, May I Sleep With Cuddly Lion Cubs?

In some places (especially Lithuania and the Ukraine) the collaborators even horrified the SS with how extreme their anti-semitism was.

"I Now Pronounce You, Slavic Untermenchen"

"Pavel Bart: Mall Partisan"

He looks like he's a minute or so away from busting out a MONSTER BALLAD

I'm tired of talkin' and I'm too horse to scream

I DOUBLE Deutsche Demokratische Republik dare yah!!

Well b/c there are too damn many of them, and too many rules about them. It's kinda annoying when you find out you already had a password for that one site you bought something off of once 4-5 years ago and you can't remember if the password you hastily had to come up with was "FUCKU1H0PEUD1E", FuckUIH0peUdie12", or

Is that a successful pick up line at GOP gatherings?

Italian beef is grossly underrated. Philly Cheesesteak is just gross.

Most supermarkets I've seen have jarred Giardineiera (or some other such Italian peppers and other vegetables in a tangy liquid type product) all over the Northeast.

What's the difference between ketchup and period blood?

The latter, at least with NYC style.