Richie Alpert and the Orchid S

You've just explained the fear motivating 98% of the Republicans in Congress.

That show has product placement for grossly overrated ryes?

There were swirling newspaper articles featured right after he jumped out of his poolside directors chair to say that.

The Rescuers Down Low?

Lumiere will be played by Rob McElhenney?

"Bilbo I don't know instead"

"Gimme that!"
[Gandalf grabs his canteen full of some kinda potion or something]
"Any Orc brave enough to hold in his guts with his bare hands can drink out of my canteen any day!"

Woooh! I'm seeing double! EIGHT ponderously padded Hobbit films!

I think so. She was saying it was uncomfortably/vaguely anti-semitic as well (the big bad is clearly supposed to be a a Long Island Jew).

Not this year. We've gotten a very mild winter. Just a concentration of snow a couple of weeks back, 99% of which has melted under the welcome unseasonable 60 degree days we had all last week.

Or Trump getting bored enough to turn against him.

$100M tax write-offs for substandard parkland by the Pataki Administration in its last year in office probably didn't help.

Sounds like the Albany area in the present. We really need some sort of rideshare service. Don't care if it's Uber or Lyft.

That's the most underrated Connery Bond flick.

If it's not the side effects of the cocaine, I'm thinking that it must be love.

Oddly enough SNY (and the Weather Channel) are the only cable stations I get in full despite not paying for cable.

My Mom. But only b/c Rollo's her favorite character on Vikings.

She vapes?

And Nashville had Powers Booth who was on Deadwood with Kim Dickens, who played Matt Saracen's mom on FNL, and ….. I forget where I was going with this.

The Thinking Man's Sandra Locke.