That's no way to talk about the ………actually that's a pretty accurate description of the 2016 Braves.
That's no way to talk about the ………actually that's a pretty accurate description of the 2016 Braves.
Did yours not?
You read that article about James Callendar at Slate too?
At the state-level (at least in NYS) sunsets are pretty much the norm for everything. Even stuff that's completely non-controversial and has been renewed near unanimously every other year for 40-someodd years. In part, it's because there is a "anything can be made a bargaining chip" ethos that often makes us…
I guessed Frank Stallone
I'm curious if that act has anything to do with the US using GSM and Europe and elsewhere using the other kind (I forget the name). I suspect not b/c Canada and Mexico use GSM, but then again it could just be our regional dominance in North America.
Gotta spend money to make money…. or get plastered
Yeah. She just mashes it. That's what she does.
This has been a year of films that I meant to see, but came and went before i got the chance (or never even came up my way at all)
"A $tffy in tyme, sav 69, 8========D—-, ;)"
Yup. Didn't hear those exact words, but it did not take long till she got to complaining about how how the tribal leaders were tanking the economy there by using all the tax money to pay for swimming pool compounds for their many wives and numerous off-spring. Plus a good deal of more garden variety dog whistlely…
Apparently an amusement park in Kansas decided to make the Devestator a reality.…
I once got stuck in an hour long conversation with a South African woman. By the time I realized this was a lunatic that somehow just seemed to somehow have bad shit happen to her constantly it was too late to safely extricate myself from the conversation.
what are you? A grammar Nazi?
I'm curious which American supermarkets will sell the Ian Curtis beer, from Safeway to where?
Instead I should have drunk at home, playin' with my pleasure zone.
Throbbing Gristle Milk Stout
Everything's Gone Gose
We All (barely) Stand - a 10% ABV
Michelob Ultraviolence (their lo carb macrobrew collaboration)
Barney Sumner Ale (a light seasonal)
He looks like a cross between Al Jorgensen and Kid Rock.
I've heard that game is on FI_YAHHH!