Richie Alpert and the Orchid S

100% agree.

Also Key & Peele even sound like the name of a British comedy team.

While not on the same tier of Britcoms like Peep Show or the IT Crowd, I found that show pretty damn enjoyable, and think it could be easily ripped off here. Though yeah, they'd probably have to change the title.

How much fuck Will Sasso?

In the early seasons Jez was living off some kind of inheritance (but it ran out).

Just having a relaxing smoke of crack

I've always wanted to see a Peep Show/IASIP cross-over ep.


That's what I like about these greased up, tiny, enthusiastic 19 year-old camp counselors; I get older, they stay the same age.

I Canola imagine how much these crooks are making.

Isn't there an old school diner in Memphis that's famous for reusing the same vat of oil since 1910? I saw it on TV once.

Particularly if you cross the North Carolina state line

I think we can agree that the worst ice cream truck song is "It's A Small World After All"

They have a sense of (Good) Humor though.

YES! That truck trawled through my neighborhood all last summer. I haven't seen or heard it this year though.

You spelld "Lie-brul" wrong!

Killing Me Mr. Softee

That's because we have a first past the post system (to say nothing of the Electoral College). I'll never understand why third parties like the Greens or Libertarians don't put a ton of effort into getting some kind of instant run-off and/or open jungle primary system in place wherever they can. That way they might be

Much like the KDP did during Hitler's rise. Where they went even further and colluded with the Nazis to undermine the SDP/Weimar Republic.

In her defense, she was trying to prove the baby wasn't a witch.