Scarier than Jeffrey Leonard?
Scarier than Jeffrey Leonard?
Also (and probably most significantly) Mel Stottlemyre as pitching coach. Though in his case you could say it was coming home as he was the ace of some otherwise bad Yankee teams in the late 60's.
And Lenny Dykstra was on both the 86 Mets and 93 Phillies!
"Stilldebestbutcherondebloch!" -
Karl Ehmer
If I were the Players Union I'd just push to expand roosters. It'd be a somewhat easy win since a lot of teams would love it for bullpen reasons.
This beak's gettin in the way of my nosh
Wait? You're not supposed to bang them?
Maybe a Canadian Jew? Fairmount Bagels, smoked meats, Leonard Cohen, etc.
What kind of God would ……. make finding a Pokemon so difficult?
or Stitymtae
Aren't Zubats those loud early 90's PJ pants?
When I was 5 or 6 on a family trip to DC my parents told me that Jefferson would come down from his memorial to spank me if I didn't behave.
Just substitute Oatmeal Raisin and Chocolate Chip for Oysters or Prawns
I've read that Auchwitz burgers aren't that good.
It was once occupied by a humble motherfucker with a big assed (circumcised) schlong.
Radioactive weird flavor chips?
It's a coffee table book that's made out of …… umm.. I'd rather not say.
Yeah they were NY's third best team the perennially losing Panthers, whose usually empty stadium was on an indian burial ground, where every 1,000 years these spirits would play whatever sport was popularly played there!