Or better yet a mailrobot vs Milton showdown
Or better yet a mailrobot vs Milton showdown
YES! I never got what was so beloved and/or funny about that show.
Yeah. In fact I think I'd rather be dead than produce viable off-spring.
Like GRRM but with only a fifth as much time wasted on Jets fan blogs.
My Mom has an original copy of that comic book. Frankly if I inherit nothing else I want that.
Unlike JFK's Civil Rights efforts, LBJ pursued no half-measures.
But even with the senate election in 1948 it's worth noting that it was for a seat that had been stolen from him in 1941 by Pappy O'Daniel.
He was consistently opposed to voting rights for Naggers.
That's one of the things Caro kept mentioning in the book. It's not that absolute power corrupts, absolute power reveals. Other than gadfly and cranks, you can never be 100% sure of the position of any American elected in a position lower than President. In the three decades before becoming President, Johnson shifted…
And the Democrats were still haunted by the "Who Lost China?" charge from when the KMT fell in 1949.
And not just down the front of his pants.
A song that was originally intended to be a morale booster for the next embattled Democratic President.
There's Rosanna and the song about rain (or lack thereof) in Africa.
I used to hate when there would be a Carvel ice cream cake at a birthday party instead of a normal cake. Those bastards were melty messes that bothered me and ruined the cake part of the cake. I was kinda an anal-retentive kid, possibly bordering on OCD in terms of messy food.
Carrrrrr-vel iiiiiice cream
Carrrrrr-vel iiiiiici cream
They make great ice cream
[various other lyrics I no longer remember]
The story I heard was that Mr. Carvel was an extremely difficult person to deal with (he and his daughters feuded on and off, and he was hyper micromanaging towards his franchise owners). So him doing the commercials himself was either b/c no advertisers wanted to deal with him or that he didn't want to deal with (or…
Growing up I always assumed they were strictly a Tri-state (and maybe slightly further afield like Philly) thing. Their original location was in Hartsdale on Central Ave. and they also owned a not well regarded motel in Yonkers just off the Sprain Brook. The Carvel Inn was a popular location for drug deals,…
Pulled pork always.
Test For Econoline?