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    Cathy001 -

    Pot meet kettle, Marie.  Original post with a not too subtle attack on a couple of adult characters, and their fans of a similar age who might like to see their own struggles reflected on the show.

    Plenty of viewers over the age of 18 actually do enjoy "Will/Emma stuff," and for the uninitiated such as yourself, millions of these same adults have at times in their lives been conflicted about the choices they've made (just like Emma and Will,) and acted foolishly as a consequence.  It is completely appropriate

    I know this will sound a bit goofy, but I just needed to mention that the people commenting here are some of the most insightful, witty, and quite frankly, sober & sane writers in any comment sections that I've seen (do I really need to add that especially pertains to any Glee sites …)  Please, from now on, consider