eclectic eel

We were looking for "because they have the perspicacity of a tweaking squirrel" but your answer is close enough.

"Where to start with Star Wars? Well, there's this Christmas special…"

I like her, but it's not playing to her strengths to give her a bunch of English-language dialogue to awkwardly struggle through.

Photo: Who wants to be a firetruck?

This sounds like the sort of thing that should have Willem Dafoe in the cast.

"And….done! Thank you, uh… whatever your name is. These hundred and fifteen hours of modelling by you and your family have helped me to truly capture the essence of moving into a new apartment in beautifully functional Stalin Gardens."

I have no idea what you mean by "cookie cutter YA" or how you think it applies to Norse Mythology. You are welcome to tell me if you want to.

I thought The Scar was not a *bad* novel, just a bit of an irritating slog. I didn't care about any of the characters, all the worldbuilding seams were showing, and the writing was all the way up its own ass.

"Cookie cutter YA" is a baffling description of Norse Mythology.

You're stretching pretty far to put those words in Douchey's mouth. He isn't saying you shouldn't eat avocados. He's saying you shouldn't pay someone $19 to smush an avocado for you.

The concentration of population in Sydney is largely due to the Recongestion Protocol of the 1950s. Today this policy is considered a great success, because Sydney's public roads offer very few locations where a full-on road war can be sustained for more than a few minutes and as a result the high mutant murder rate


It seems like a lot of the comments are missing the fact that this guy is himself a Millennial talking about his own generation.

What he's pointing to is more a symptom than a cause.


The fear it's appealing to is more about class and the vulnerability of being outside one's comfort zone (geographically and culturally) than race itself. Thus we get Straw Dogs and Deliverance and Wolf Creek and plenty of others in that vein. (There are also movies working the other direction, with people being

An updated version of Sledge Hammer! with Meloni would be pretty great.

There's not even enough wrong with it to make it entertainingly bad. It's just tedious.

"You're not making Orthodox Judaism better! You're only making rom coms worse!" - Hank Hillel