eclectic eel

The movie's not good, but I enjoy that Vin Diesel is clearly such an adorably huge dork (also see Last Witch Hunter) and I appreciate that they went for broke with the batshit worldbuilding, instead of just making Pitch Black 2: On A Slightly Different Planet This Time.

I think 300 should get more credit than it does for the unreliable narrator. I mean, there's a certain amount of inherent silliness in a heightened waxen-chested telling (and holy shit were some elements misguided), but I think some of the stuff that got noses out of joint was balanced by presenting the narrative as a

"Don't worry, we're gonna prioritize the shit out of you people."

I will think whatever I want about it, thanks. A lot of shitty art is beloved by millions of people; your appeal to popularity can kiss my ass. My "unclear" comment was explicitly about choreography of a specific sort and in no way did I suggest that was the only element in the movie, so you're welcome to go be

I can't tell whether you are genuinely confused as to what kind of choreography I'm talking about. There are multiple examples in the article I responded to and I think I was fairly clear, but just in case: it's the bullshit marionette garbage. The standard-issue wushu stuff is, if not exactly thrilling, fine.

Sure, there's other choreography that can sap the fight from a fight scene.

I hate CTHD-style meat-puppet choreography, the sort that uses actors as patently passive props. It renders supposed "action" scenes laughable and inert, free of excitement and grace and skill and martial sensibility. It's like watching a Team America: World Police fight scene where the marionettes have been replaced

If you didn't want to get LOTR with it, you could put Big Show in some "Mask"-type makeup or cgi his face. Schreiber is a bit shorter than Wepner, so you can use a slightly smaller Andre (also this would be Andre at his 1976 physique).

I suppose outside of the X-Men movies or Ray Donovan it'd be easy not to have noticed him, but he has been in a ton of stuff.

Eastern Promises was good, and that's a very Naomi Watts-ish (i.e., Nicole Kidman-ish) role/performance.

Coney Island (Riegelmann) Boardwalk

Sounds like your marriage suffers from a reptile dysfunction.

Fragments of interviews with French New Wave directors dubbed by Vin Diesel as Groot.

Barrister: Maaate, bit sus your song sounds like Imnim's one from the Et Mall soundtrek, eh.

I don't recall any plant implication but yeah, I took her to mean it pretty broadly.

Would work better as a Moonlighting reference.

Apparently the idea is that when the other prisoners called her "whore" in the Kyln scenes, Drax understood that to mean that she was literally a whore. Like when he understood Quill to be saying he was a thesaurus.

GOTG2 works hard to continually put impressive comic book splash-page or title-page images on the screen in a way that works within the movie. It's maybe the best yet at striking that balance.

Ok, I was curious so I checked. Gunn says it's because Drax heard the other prisoners calling her that in the scenes at the Kyln, so Drax thinks that's (literally) something she is.

"This is taking forever. I could've eaten, like, an entire bag of Doritos by now."
— Disgruntled Goat visits a restaurant