
Well Shit that was awesome

What's stopping it from getting an F

What's stopping it from getting an F

After I saw the preview for next week I was kind of shaking a little, holy shit balls it looks good.

They took are jobs!!!

I bet Winona is going to be in labor or something baby related is going to happen just as they are getting close to Drew. But I'm probably wrong as that would be a very Cliche thing, it feels like its been done before but I can't cite an example off hand.

I see the point about Shelby's first appearance on the show not really fitting in with what his character is now, but I imagine that they didn't have this in mind when the first brought Jim Beaver on. Also at that point that we meet him I would guess he is a great deal removed from the guy that used to fly drugs into…

Did Arlo hit the guard with a leather strap wrapped around his fist or did he stab him with scissors?

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I could buy Powers Boothe at one time being married to Eve Munro but not Brad Dourif as much as i love that guy. But now that I think about it anyone of them would be awesome as Drew Thompson or any character on the show really.

At this point anybody but Ian McShane playing Drew Thompson would only  disappoint me.

As his character form Yes Dear I think.

I'm interested in how Drew got involved with Theo Tonin in the first place seeing as how a criminal from Harlen county is small potatoes compared to a mobster from Detroit, and yet he ends up a part of some big time cocaine smuggling.

He's great good thing they decided not to kill him off in the first season.

I apologize for my language in advance, but this show is just gosh darn dog doo.

Thank you

Did anyone catch what Shelby was looking at on his computer before Cassie walked in my eyes landed on Drew Thompson and I didn't see what else it said.

Yeah Both of those are great, I don't think you can't go wrong with any Leonard in my opinion at least. Now that I think about it i think Pronto is probably the best place to start it, does have that great stand off scene that they used for the dentist episode.

I was wondering where I've seen that guy before.

Well if your talking about the ones with Raylan in them I would maybe go with Fire in the hole first seeing as that was what the pilot was based on. But if your talking Elmore novels in general than I would go with Swag that is one of my all time favorites.