
That's EXACTLY what I thought hahaha, I think that was a titans story though wasn't it?

While I don't necessarily agree to the specific example I think you're 100% right, I don't really buy into the whole quality v. quantity theory because it doesn't always hold water in either respect look at earlier Simpsons for a good example of that reversal.

If the next 25 movies of Depp's were just Public Enemies with new shootouts/action sequences each time I'd watch each of them in theaters 25 times a pop. I don't even care. That movie is amazing.

The IT Crowd, 25 episodes.
The Big Bang Theory 152 episodes + 3 more seasons on the leger to come…

But not too much…don't wanna end up in the Hospital under Patton Oswalt's care.

Where's the crossover? I want 50 shades of Captain Underpants and I want it now.