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    yay for gumby!!!
    …now processing slightly oblique statements in one hour or double your money back(hold him to it customers!).

    Restraunts that offer…
    …unlimited soup and breadsticks hate the working man.

    try this one out Billy Madison…
    …I was watching Bill Maher the other night, and he had on the Petroleum Institute's butt-boy(Bjorn Somthingorother).
    He was talking about how we shouldn't curb climate change to save the Polar Bear, we should only stop shooting the ones that encroach on human civilization.
    That's right,

    Asia Argento…
    …with Monica Belluci!

    My wife did some waitressing in…
    …London and in Canada, years ago.
    She can attest to the fact that Post-Church Sunday is the worst time of the week for the wait-staff.
    Also, people whose language barrier conveniently kicks in come cheque time are pretty good at being cheap.

    #350 M-Fers!!!

    …yeah, clearlyt every one walked away from the keg.
    I am fully aware of the "earnestness of my prose".
    What do drugs have to do with anything?
    Not on 'em.
    Don't do 'em.
    Don't disagree with doing 'em.
    Have done 'em.
    What that has to do with the development of an online character, I'll never know.
    OMG I forgot

    church of robotology…
    …buys Futurama a bit of credit.
    It doesn't talk down, dumb down or rely(unironically)on cliches.
    That said, I see your point.
    It is heavy handed and obvious, but those who like it find that to be a part of its charm.
    I havn't watched the show in a couple of years, but its good at what it does.

    George Carlin…
    …already had a hearing on this.
    Hasn't anyone seen his White People Rap Translator.
    That said, as far as mainstream candidates go, one of the few good reasons not to elect Al Gore is Tipper.

    is it…
    …Neurotis Now Man!
    Or:Neurotic Snowman?
    (Call to arms:"Neurotics Of The World, Unite!")

    wouldn't that be…
    …Orwellian Rape.
    That's more what I had in mind, but thanks for catching it.

    "Music Video For The PBS CRowd"…
    …I love it.

    …well put.

    You don't like my literary style, so I'm a convoluted random word generator.
    How is it now a problem to stretch and enjoy the beauty that is the English Language.
    Am I required to write in LOLs and OMGs?

    wynona ryder wrecked…
    …Age for me.
    And, I'm no knee-jerk Ryder hater.
    A Scanner Darkly being the most recent example of a fitting Ryder delivery device.
    Richard Linklater is the man all the Keanu/Ethan/Wynona/Woodys should be going to.

    …the loyalties we choose sometimes.
    Adam Sandler "wasn't likable".
    Magnolia we started once, and she shut it off once Tom Cruise made his appearance.
    A few weeks ago I had her watch Magnolia and The Fountain.
    She was about as moved as I've ever seen a film patron, sobbing at the end of The Fountain, and in

    …so well put.

    pay attention…
    …same person.
    Here to inflame AND mend the divide.

    punch drunk love…
    …I almost divorced my wife after watching that one.
    She couldn't get into it.
    That hurt.

    daniel day-lewis…
    …I wish you'd made a better film with Marty.
    Blood and oil and Anderson and Daniel.
    Me thinks I may quit work and stand in line six weeks in advance.