I never got why position should be a factor in determining a hitter,
unless you're ranking someone alongside the rest of the league at that
I never got why position should be a factor in determining a hitter,
unless you're ranking someone alongside the rest of the league at that
I never got why position should be a factor in determining a hitter,
unless you're ranking someone alongside the rest of the league at that
I watched an Earl Campbell movies on NBCSN earlier today, and then the Bo Jackson one tonight. Both runners remind me of current player Adrian Peterson.
Peterson is leaner (Jackson and Campbell wore huge pudding as was the style of the time) and a little bit taller. But all three run with reckless abandon, and you…
I watched an Earl Campbell movies on NBCSN earlier today, and then the Bo Jackson one tonight. Both runners remind me of current player Adrian Peterson.
Peterson is leaner (Jackson and Campbell wore huge pudding as was the style of the time) and a little bit taller. But all three run with reckless abandon, and you…
I love how a bag of worms and a dead fish magically appeared in the apartment. And to think, Howard's fishing gear was a little too cartoony!
I love how a bag of worms and a dead fish magically appeared in the apartment. And to think, Howard's fishing gear was a little too cartoony!
I have noticed that too
I have no idea who Vintage Trouble is, but I want to hear more. I also enjoy that Letterman seems to enjoy the performances. Like last night, he said pay other, and then they go to credits
I have noticed that too
I have no idea who Vintage Trouble is, but I want to hear more. I also enjoy that Letterman seems to enjoy the performances. Like last night, he said pay other, and then they go to credits
fake watermelon
fake watermelon
I think I saw her on a commercial not too long ago..like Pepsi or Mr Clean
I think I saw her on a commercial not too long ago..like Pepsi or Mr Clean
the trial was so over the top it took me out of this episode
but the last 5 minutes of the episode sucked me back in.
the trial was so over the top it took me out of this episode
but the last 5 minutes of the episode sucked me back in.
So Sheldon tells the world what time he blasts a deuce, but has got to hide that he plays hacky sack? cool
So Sheldon tells the world what time he blasts a deuce, but has got to hide that he plays hacky sack? cool
Lot 48. nice callback to S1-2
is a Mark Brendanawicz appearance next?
Lot 48. nice callback to S1-2
is a Mark Brendanawicz appearance next?
I noticed that too, and I got distracted by that. but it was funny
I noticed that too, and I got distracted by that. but it was funny