Doc Brown

The times they are a changing. Language is usage-"bae" will make it into the dictionary, and by the time these centennials are a little older the battle against cell phones will be lost. I agree with you, for the record, but it's something that's evolving with the younger generations. It's not right or wrong, it's

The problem is, the anti-cell phone neo-luddite crowd* has no business being self-righteous. They're trying to enforce their own view of the way the world should be, but they pretend it's somehow more pure or "right." It's just preference.

What turned you into a shell of a human being? I'm just curious about people who get their rocks off being dickheads on the internet.

There are things I'd be willing to do it for too. At Lincoln Center? Sure. But that's usually pretty self-enforcing. On Broadway? Sure. But that also tends to be pretty self-enforcing. At an arthouse cinema? Yeah, fine. But seeing the Avengers or some band in Brooklyn? Come on, don't waste my time with that bullshit.

Pagers, dumbass.

Eh, I'm pretty agnostic on this front. I prefer no cell phones, but a lot of people use them. It might become the new normal. The people being all self-righteous about putting phones away are trying to enforce their view of the world just as much as the other people on the other side of the debate. No one's right, one

Especially if it's a play where they won't reseat you until intermission.

You overprivileged, whiny, entitled Millennial! You want the world to cater to you! Blah blah blah.

This is cute, but I hope you realize the absurdity of your sanctimony here. Fucking movies and concerts, dude.

Yeah, like, I never check my phone within the theater. I keep my end of the bargain! And now I have to lock up my personal property because of the other assholes! Fuck.

"I'm sympathetic to your son's health issue, but people have overcome greater adversity."

This comment is non responsive.

Everyone's a fucking tell it like it is iconoclast. Anybody who disagrees is a whiny millennial. When did this place become a bunch of whiny little Gen Xers bitching about millennials (and I say that as an Xer, as idiotic as that fake social science is)?

Man, everyone's a self-righteous, above it all cultural critic aren't they?

Well, I partially agree but want to clarify my agreement. Having something going on in your life doesn't excuse you from the social contract-you don't get to answer your phone in the theater or distract people with your cell phone light no matter what.

It just strikes me as too heavy-handed. Like, what if I have to run out in an emergency? I have to go to someone to get it unlocked first? Fuck that. Like, even though I don't check my phone that much, I object to this on principle. It's just a bridge too far for me.

Probably not going to go to a venue that makes me do this. Yes, before cell phones I couldn't text my friends when I lost them in a concert venue, but that's nice to have now. Nice to quickly check the phone when I take a piss. Nice to run out in case of an emergency without having to get someone to unlock my phone

I actually need a cosigner and references to get into a 3D movie in Manhattan.

I enjoyed Jerry Maguire, but Cuba Gooding Jr. while not bad, was entirely forgettable in that movie. I'd say serviceable, at best.

Eh, who cares? I never understood the handwringing of people who let sequels retroactively diminish their appreciation of earlier movies. If he makes another Mad Max and it sucks, well, I'll be disappointed and then just never watch it again.