That is not empirical evidence. Polls in general only "poll" people who answer polls. In this case in particular, the confounding factors will be huge. What it tells us, mostly, is that older well informed people are likely to answer polls.
That is not empirical evidence. Polls in general only "poll" people who answer polls. In this case in particular, the confounding factors will be huge. What it tells us, mostly, is that older well informed people are likely to answer polls.
The difference, of course, being that Cobblepot is clearly a deranged madman, while Ozymandias was a celebrated industrialist and idealist who's followers believed in him and his ideals. Thus, not seeing the betrayal coming. No one thought he would do any of what he did, that's why it worked.
The reason why you can't have both camp and grit is shown in Gotham. It's exhibit A . It's just really hard to balance camp and grit and still write a good story with believable dialogue and coherent plot. The best seasons of Buffy did it, other shows have manged, but these writers can't do it. They do not have the…
Well, the show is also badly written. The dialogue does not sound natural, no one speaks like that. It is also hard to make us care about characters that are as shallow as they are presented in Gotham, make them real to us and we will care. Then introduce high concepts like "justice", which are to abstract to mean…
Well, they don't have the rhythm right now, and it would be very disingenuous to review the show based on what it might do 10 episodes from now. All anyone can do is judge what we see on the screen. And it is mostly overwritten cliches and bad dialogue with a plot that either makes little sense or is as subtle as a…
You know what would make a halfway decent TV show? The Walking Dead game…….
Yeah, so I am out. This is just a completely boneheaded decision.
Yes, real life psychological issues and the very real cooping mechanisms sometimes employed to combat them is very funny.
Indeed, I often like to talk about them in derogatory ways myself, just for a laugh. I usually throw in a "shizo", "weirdo" or "emo" as well though, no need to limit yourself.
Historical relativism is as hard to defend as cultural relativism, it does not hold much water logically or more importantly ethically. It is fine to understand why someone does something without also condoning it, but still judge their actions by some kind of ethical guidelines.
Just using the phrase "entitlement of the mediocre" makes me unwilling to debate this with you, as I know we are coming from so diametrically opposed viewpoints on this it would be pointless.
He lied to Korra multiple times and betrayed what he said he wanted to achieve, compared to in "The Stakeout". I guess it is not as bad as Amon's reveal, but I still felt it was a reversal of his character.
It passed judgment in the same way as the season 1 ending, by casting the main proponent as corrupt, evil antagonist, thus dismissing the point by going after person having the opinion. It is a pretty classic rhetorical trick, and works really well if you are writing the narrative as well as both sides of the debate.
Amon was more grievous, and made me give up on the series after season 1, though season 3 brought me back. ATLA did not have this problem, since they did not bring up the implications of bender-monarchies and technology monopolies in that show.
My main problem with this season was that I sympathize more with Zaheer and the Red Lotus than Korra and her friends, yet I knew that the narrative would never be allowed to acknowledge their points in a meaningful way.
They did a The Wire joke where they recreated the death of Snoop. It was wonderful.
Seems to me that is how the US governent runs….the Congress can't get anything done, at one point they shut down the governement because they could not agree to raise an arbitraty "debt" ceiling about a debt they have no intention of ever paying back and which is the under pinnning of our entire financial system.…
Here is some real science:
Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: An Epidemiological Review,…
Maternal second-hand smoke exposure in pregnancy is associated with childhood asthma development,…
Immediate effect of passive smoking on…
It's Poussay! Accent a droite, bitch.
I just have point out that the con-air thing is directly ported from the memoir, and actually happened pretty much like that. Prisoners can be moved without notice and does not have to be informed of their destination. A good lawyer might be able to get the prisoner information in advance, but in general they have…
I am curious…how do you define a "deserving" creative person? Is there some kind of point scale I am unaware of? Would Lena Dunham get more good wishes from you if she got her show by chance? Like, if she met someone from HBO in a bar and made a drunken pitch witch stuck in that person head? Or HBO collected 30…