
i dont think appearance should even be allowed to enter in to the feminist debate. rarely does appearance seem to matter for a man… this debate about appearance was from the an earlier aprt of the feminist movement when men and women were still partially in the mindset that a woman's primary duty was wife and

i like feminism as well as the next person. i espicially enjoy how it relates to health care issues. the bias towards a mans phisological make up is pretty apparent. most comman medical ailments a man or woman can sustain are covered under traditional medical benifits. certain medical conditions only a woman can

this book looks awesome. i wonder if icke gets a mention who is a smart wnough guy but has some odd theories. the title is misleading i was hopingto learn of anchanting glass eyes. my fav is the pearl harbour conspiracy.

i like garbage stupid girl its a bit feminist. shania is the best on the list other then Ono who is a great artist. to me feminism is garenteeing the same rights as citizens regardless of gender all pronouns denoting male or female should be taken out of the law? equality under the law. i doubt a woman will ever beat

ya i was kidding around.

red green did it better.

i think conan should be given the time solt in canada that mike bullard used to oprate he could not cut that mustard. they just by and large dont understand you conan come to canada. your already rich anyways. we will not pay as much.

ghall is the man, his paintings are awesome, as is his stage show. he is bad though. i know some people in to white power. i dont like the phhilosophy much why can't we all just get along? i like ghall because he does not baby out and try to say he actually worships nature when someone pushes him on the satanist

haha that was my favorit band on the list, good name for sure! i liked the more agreesive voice. check out 'hordes of anachron' from my home island! obligatory.

im sure leo dicaprio was just being nice trying to get in the spirit of the event. it always good to try and respect another families way of child rearing. way to go leo lotta class.

did you semi plagerize that from a smoove b editorial?

nice a nother goren fan! bobby would break that chimps neck with his hands all the while breaking its will with stragtegic questions and ill timed head bobs. @llama actually professors found that lawyers who drink on a regualar basis have higher win percentages and longer careers then those who do not, on average… its

i wonder how long between pitch and deal there was for SVU. 5… 10 minutes?

yes law and order rules, SVU not so good. curinimal intent goren is the freakin man!

go billy corgan you con do it. things seem to be looking up forthe smashing pumpkins. Lalso v11 if you go to thier live show jack o laterns are realeased from the roof.

yes yes yes yes. way to go letterman dont stop now. he did not act alone i bet! if he doesnt go to jail you should hire him to back up goddard.

that was awesome. i agree that if there is a god, a supreme force of good for the earth, he should be respected and obeyed but, if this is so then he also gave us free will, blind obediance would be disrepectful to god.

allot of the stories in the 5? books of the old testament have messages about obidiance the abraham story is a good one to illistrate this. early belivers in the tribes of isreal's god faced many oppositions from other religions and societys. strict laws were a must to maintain a sense of cultural identity from those

ahaha ya its pretty muchthe most epic story ive ever heard!

My friend has an odd story. When he came in to the delivery room and held his son for the first time his first thought was "now i know i can kill" . He is a peaceful jolly man. I am not a pacifist. I would kill to protect him.
the host was good. i liked the creatures lair.