
poor man.

bart has been sighted
i was just watching the news and they said that someone saw bart the bear going through some trash behind a taco time. bart lives!

agree fully!

my friend made a documentary about russian people at her school. i never did watch it and herstories made no sense but pretty much ya iknow one of them who would.


no it was boney M

did abba do ra ra rasputin? i like russia id like to go someday. russian street climbingis a good video btw. this show will be good i bet jersey shore does not have the subtext that this one will i bet.

it stands for managemant
ya it stands for management i had this cd. my pal gave it to me. good cd. i like fated to pretend. talks cheap mgmt! haha kidding

ive seen purple rosewhichienjoyed and also the scene from annie hall with walken in it. his new ones dont appeal to me so much and i never really watched any of his movies when i was younger.

boondock saints was totally fun but this is better for straight crime movie then what taritinos done at times it was really good. it was not a rip off i dont think at all. the gun battel at the end and the slow chase were well done i always thought bech should of been onthe soundtrack for some reason that owulda been

haha. a good one for cop gone mad is raw deal with arnold in it. his friends kid is killed and arnold rampages through the city it is preety neat. sipowitz was fine one marc paul glosser was on the case im sure i never watched that one 2 much. but i like it fine. thats the whole thing with hannible he draws you in to

Wicked, im going to see that one and i take it back i just got angered when i read about smith, cmon man there are lots of kid who look up to you im sure of it mall rats was very popular at my schoool when i was younger. its number 2 at the box office and not getting bad reviews on imdb. i sitll wont see it unless

sorry not fall back

i love fullclip and fall back! he will be alright im sure. he will recieve good care i hope.

i like the part where the collage kids get hit up and whe ndenzel makes ethan smoke pcp but thats about it

your dangerous maverick

im bat man

i watched some clips it looks well done. the dark haired kid is a good actor i know from some other things and they nailed the girl's look as well. it will probably freak me out abit but i have a taste forthe macabre.

seriouslly listen to suger we are goingdown the opening.

your probably joking though. doug benson of doug and the slugs? i thought he was dead! Im surpprised gary glittters new album did not make the cut on any list.