
There were so many sad, depressing moments in this episode, and so many laugh out loud moments. Welcome back Kenny Powers. 

I'm thinking Peter inside of September's mind is going to be all sorts of ridiculous

I guess I'm the minority here, but I found the finale to be the best episode of the season, next to the one where we learn that Jon Hamm is just playing himself. I loved everything here, I laughed hysterically at the explosion from the phone call. And really?! Alice dying is where we're gonna finally say this show was

"Ryan put his nametag on his pants so if you wear it on your shirt you're a total dick…" My favorite Erin line eve maybe.

TB's anger over Jon suggesting they call the show "Midnight Munchingtons" may have been my favorite thing of the season.

Nope Nope Nope. Not having it.

"100 episodes of Whitney." STOP IT, JUST STOP IT!!

Those goddamn montages. This heartless bastards hasn't shed a tear in a long time. Leave it to Chuck to change that. I'm gonna miss the shit out of this show.

Stylistically, this episode was all over the place. And I loved it.

"She's hooked on the 'bandito blanco', a name for cocaine I just made up"

Yea, I'm not sure if you're the one to be reviewing this show. I don't really understand many of the criticisms for this episode, as well as many of the ones you give a bad review on. It just doesn't seem like we're watching the same show. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, I get that. But it seems like the

How are we not talking about the fact that there was ONE FUCKING SECURITY GUARD ON THAT ROOF! This was such a convenient/stupid thing

The descent into madness by Dennis this season has been the most brilliant thing this show has done. This was such a satisfying climax to that whole thing.

I think I laughed hardest at "Oh Ben Roth-lees-berger? Has he ever done anything wrong?" "Nope, never"

Despite Chuck being a bit of bitch this week, I really enjoyed this episode. I think this was more of a reward for all the investment in the characters, which at this point is pretty satisfying.

The Dexter-Deb kissing scene is the most tension there has been all season. I was with a group of people, and everyone was just completely uncomfortable with what was happening. It's sad that this scene invoked the biggest reaction from me this entire season…

Classic Chuck

Just brilliant. The thought of not having this show for an indefinite amount of time is really fuckin depressing.

"So you're an accountant, FOR accountants? You have the most boring job there."

Nikki Potnick is NOT the waitress's name. In an earlier season, they mention stealing and crashing Nikki Potnick's car whilst in a conversation about the waitress. Glenn Howerton also said after the episode that it wasn't her name.