
I forgot about that scene when I decided that showing Office Space to my grandmother would be a great bonding experience.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus Ford did fall down those stairs.  That was something noteworthy.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus Ford did fall down those stairs.  That was something noteworthy.

I always want to explain this to people who say minorities should vote for the Republicans because of Lincoln.  I usually don't because anyone who says that is clearly an idiot and beyond the reach of rational discussion.

I always want to explain this to people who say minorities should vote for the Republicans because of Lincoln.  I usually don't because anyone who says that is clearly an idiot and beyond the reach of rational discussion.



I haven't even heard of half of the movies on this list.  So I wonder if they deserved to bomb at the box office.

I haven't even heard of half of the movies on this list.  So I wonder if they deserved to bomb at the box office.



Wow.  I did not think it would be that disturbing.  That was in bad taste (no pun intended).

Wow.  I did not think it would be that disturbing.  That was in bad taste (no pun intended).

I got drunk a couple weeks ago and live tweeted Waterworld.  True story.

I got drunk a couple weeks ago and live tweeted Waterworld.  True story.

Ugh, that was the winner, like, years ago.  Get with it.

Ugh, that was the winner, like, years ago.  Get with it.

I think she's plateaued at 'kind of ok.'

I think she's plateaued at 'kind of ok.'

Oh, the unholy things I would do for just $350,000.  Also, I would have no problem doing that unholy thing for $350,000 approximately 22 times a year (or however many episodes they make per season).