
@BobbyBrownGoesDown:disqus Are you in Portland?  Because there is this great second run theater that has very cheap tickets and they serve gourmet pizza and microbrew beer.  My friend and I saw a movie, ate, and had a pitcher for, like, $20.

I used to visit my grandparents in Wyoming as a kid.  I can confirm that Wyoming totally sucks.

I used to visit my grandparents in Wyoming as a kid.  I can confirm that Wyoming totally sucks.

Holy goddamn crap!  Why is there a Romney ad at the bottom of my page!?!

Holy goddamn crap!  Why is there a Romney ad at the bottom of my page!?!

I don't know a lot about the technicalities of movie making, but I find it a little startling that the director isn't present when the voice work for one of the central characters is done.

I don't know a lot about the technicalities of movie making, but I find it a little startling that the director isn't present when the voice work for one of the central characters is done.

Jesus, Michael Bay sounds a lot like a former boss of mine.  Coincidentally, I also didn't give a shit about that job.

Jesus, Michael Bay sounds a lot like a former boss of mine.  Coincidentally, I also didn't give a shit about that job.

I really liked this movie.  I found it genuinely thrilling in elementary school.  Of course, the racial overtones went completely over my head at the time.  And they never occurred to me until this review because I haven't given a lot of thought to this movie since I was about 10.

I really liked this movie.  I found it genuinely thrilling in elementary school.  Of course, the racial overtones went completely over my head at the time.  And they never occurred to me until this review because I haven't given a lot of thought to this movie since I was about 10.

Holy Goddamn crap that looks terrible.

Holy Goddamn crap that looks terrible.

@avclub-80a2a6211ca10a4415206910224a0fe0:disqus Yeah, I had the same thought.  The "Oh, crap."  Not the gut ripping.

@avclub-80a2a6211ca10a4415206910224a0fe0:disqus Yeah, I had the same thought.  The "Oh, crap."  Not the gut ripping.

Living up to your name.

Living up to your name.

Well, from the prospective of the survivors they'd probably be "good" or at least "less bad" zombies.  Although, someone I watched it with last night pointed out that they could still rip your guts out.

Well, from the prospective of the survivors they'd probably be "good" or at least "less bad" zombies.  Although, someone I watched it with last night pointed out that they could still rip your guts out.

I was so excited when Mario Brothers left the ending wide open for a sequel.  I didn't realize at the time that the movie sucked and completely bombed.