
Ugh. I hear you.  I've had to cut way back on my comic book consumption.

"Baz is a car thief, but he’s doing it to help his sister and her son after the death of his brother-in-law."

"Baz is a car thief, but he’s doing it to help his sister and her son after the death of his brother-in-law."

I haven't seen Cabin Fever in since around the time it first came out on dvd.  But I really, really liked it.  I've been meaning to watch it again to see if it holds up.

I haven't seen Cabin Fever in since around the time it first came out on dvd.  But I really, really liked it.  I've been meaning to watch it again to see if it holds up.

Damn it!  I wanted to make the "Shrug Harder"  joke!

Damn it!  I wanted to make the "Shrug Harder"  joke!

I'm not saying that generals or CEOs make bad presidents per se.  I'm just saying that I don't think it automatically would make them a good president.  I agree that Ike was a perfectly competent president.

The parties actually have some major and important policy differences.  It just so happens that catering to the rich isn't one of them.

The parties actually have some major and important policy differences.  It just so happens that catering to the rich isn't one of them.

I'm not sure I'd use the term "starpower" in the same sentence as Kerry Washington.  I had no idea who she was.  Ends up the only movie on her IMDB credits that I've seen was The Last King of Scotland. You'd think the dems could pull someone with the same cache as Johansson.

I'm not sure I'd use the term "starpower" in the same sentence as Kerry Washington.  I had no idea who she was.  Ends up the only movie on her IMDB credits that I've seen was The Last King of Scotland. You'd think the dems could pull someone with the same cache as Johansson.

Interesting that Romney has to run on his record as a businessman because if he ran on his records as governor he wouldn't have won the nomination of his party.

It also bothers me that people assume that CEOs and generals automatically make good presidents.  CEOs and generals are used to just giving orders to get things accomplished.  Meanwhile, presidents have a little thing called congress that they need to get to agree with him to get anything done.  Furthermore, all that

There is at least one reasonable discussion occurring.

The last movie was *nine* years ago?  And the one before that was *seventeen* years ago?  Holy crap I'm old.

The last movie was *nine* years ago?  And the one before that was *seventeen* years ago?  Holy crap I'm old.

I wonder whether Jim Carrey started making bad movies or if he always made bad movies and I (along with most people my age) just out grew them.

I wonder whether Jim Carrey started making bad movies or if he always made bad movies and I (along with most people my age) just out grew them.

I actually kind of liked it.  I skipped it in the theater, but was pleasantly surprised when I caught it on Netflix.