
In college we had to read FDR's second inaugural address back to back with Reagan's first.  It is amazing to see how far the country had shifted to the right.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Lawnmower Man recreates several famous paintings in random scenes which is….I don't know…interesting?  That doesn't make it good though.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Lawnmower Man recreates several famous paintings in random scenes which is….I don't know…interesting?  That doesn't make it good though.

First Person Shooter is when X-Files jumped the shark.  That episode truly sucked.

First Person Shooter is when X-Files jumped the shark.  That episode truly sucked.

I really wanted to see this as a kid.  Now I'm glad I never got a chance.

I really wanted to see this as a kid.  Now I'm glad I never got a chance.

The video (and song) for My Hero is amazing.

The video (and song) for My Hero is amazing.

One of the best albums *ever*.  I wouldn't limit it to best of the 90's.

One of the best albums *ever*.  I wouldn't limit it to best of the 90's.

Earlier they hadn't cropped the top picture, so it was two full sized pictures. It was just everywhere. It was hilarious.

Earlier they hadn't cropped the top picture, so it was two full sized pictures. It was just everywhere. It was hilarious.

@avclub-12a6b31534819f646bd9bf5e8a99756d:disqus  it's been a while seen I've seen it, but I don't recall anything in Fahrenheit 9/11 being factually inaccurate.

@avclub-12a6b31534819f646bd9bf5e8a99756d:disqus  it's been a while seen I've seen it, but I don't recall anything in Fahrenheit 9/11 being factually inaccurate.

Oh, thank God.

Oh, thank God.

Hahaha! I don't have a home. I'm writing this from the public library, aka my bathroom.

Hahaha! I don't have a home. I'm writing this from the public library, aka my bathroom.

Holy crap, I nearly lost it at my desk between the article and that picture.  It didn't help that the picture is on there twice.  I just couldn't escape it.