Pennywise Esq.

What, it got to go home and fuck the prom queen?

Fair to say you know your childhood wanted it.

Speak for yourself, whenever that love interest spoke I smiled, I don't know what kind of crazy accent she was going for but against all audio sense I liked it.

Oh yeah!

I'm still waiting for Gouda

Never learned to buy in bulk did you?

Hey Heroes will save us, we just can't stand here and wait. They're watching us.

Marketed internationally as The Vanishing Point.

Depends if it is still "100% medically accurate" or not.

Forget it s/he is clearly a dirty no good dino truther.

But this is suppose to be a more faithful to the original source.

Did Michael Ironside happen to pass by?

You do know they don't have to be your children to do that?

We need to hold a referendum and shit before we do that, dude.

Fool! You should know that an effective way to take on superheroe is a classic villain team up i.e. with ME - I'm more appropriate you could say…

The sequel to that The Batkid Rises will probably be met with a mix of fear, confusion and anger, a feline companion may also make a appearance at the start.

It looks like nothing can change…

What the fuck is so funny about me?

Oh do play the 2nd Runner, improves on the original and feels more complete, lots of replay value for a couple of levels at the start of the third act which are also no hyperbole epic.

MYN x "LARA" OTP!!1!!!1