Pennywise Esq.

Ugh, typical clownie…

To be fair she would be more familiar with the Crystal Skull and - probably but hopefully not - only Crystal Skull.

Not to mention that score though…

Yep, i learned of this when looking to acquire a copy and noticed two versions popped up, so through an alternative method i watched this remastered version and boy did they fiddle with the foley and bgm in certain places most noticeably during that lake fight scene, completely took me out of the film.

Ah the sequel was great, much better than the first one, I remember watching it repeatedly as a kid (age rating notwithstanding) although it wasn't my thought process at the time I must of saw it as a sort of grown up power rangers. Not a fan of the remaster though despite including a few deleted scenes the sound is

If i could add a correction there, Hayter replaces the guy who played the titular hero in the first one, Hamill's role was some detective with an ill fitting moustache who gets kidnapped and then turned into a half Zoanoid half human being.

"You go to bed and, beside her, you can actually sleep."

Billy Madison witnessed his mom get raped by like 5 guys and the cognitive dissonance of the ambiguous humour and actual horror forced him to regress to a child's mentality.

Good thing Tom Hardy himself doesn't keep tabs on your punctuality or else he would he would probably furrow his brow slightly and mutter something about how your interest has clearly waned, how he thought you seemed to be genuine and that he could have something with you, something beautiful…dream gone

It's probably a voucher for games on Xbox live as an assurance the kid doesn't go off the reservation and get the bright idea to buy some new skylander figurine or PS paraphernalia.

To go even further the research that spawned that nonsense was derived from looking at a dog's brain so it doesn't even apply to us humans!

Not sure, but you agree that candy can come in pill form too?

Ah, how I love children…


Well as the Rifftrax pointed out, it was more or less the same story.

Please, do not sully it with such common tongue, purveyors of said poisons refer to it as glamcore.

It would certainly be the case for the very real porn parody of Pygmalion. Not that i've seen it but i've heard how it climaxes.

Not to mention he was always hanging out in a gang that had an established notoriety and unique hand signs, brother was frontin'.

I would have to be with him for that to be the case…err right?