
"You did a lot of acid, Miller? Back in the hippie days?"

That's like when I watched 4 seasons of Breaking Bad with my high school chemistry teacher recently diagnosed with lung cancer!

In what bizarrro universe do you consider directing:

Better call Saul!

why would he build it from scratch, when there is a used one in the junk shop he works at?

I've recently come to the conclusion that pirating a foreign film or TV show should not make me feel guilty.

Unless I imagined it, there should be a primer on the films of Hong Sang-Soo somewhere on this site.

no, it's legal because society couldn't function without it.

I'll stick with Ferrara for angry mute Catholic nuns with men issues.

Lucas eats poisoned Moroccan olives. The local PD blames circus owner and his pet capuccine monkey. The FDA issues a recall anyway

Lucas eats poisoned Moroccan olives. The local PD blames circus owner and his pet capuccine monkey. The FDA issues a recall anyway

Lucas eats poisoned Moroccan olives. The local PD blames circus owner and his pet capuccine monkey. The FDA issues a recall anyway

They're not detritus, they're human beings!

Stick a camera in front of some people's faces and they act like another person entirely.
It's obvious that Byers is playing for the camera. 
I bet he was paid an honorarium for being in the films. That also will change the way you act in front of a camera crew.

Whenever it's on the tv, i like to play a game where i randomly flip back to it, and sure enough: there's a scene where one character is explaining something to another one.

it means it ate his/her twin…..in utero.


Both THE KINGDOM and THE BOSS OF IT ALL prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Lars has a twisted (in a good way) sense of humor.

Ahmadinejad was elected in an election. He will retire after his term is over.

Take the credit for Travis???