The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Okay, that was funny. Fuck Dave Sim, but just a tiny bit less.

I've espoused the point of view that…
…you have to separate the art from the artist, and not judge a piece of work by the caliber of the person creating it (with subjects ranging from Polanski to Riefenstahl to O.J. Simpson), more as devil's advocate than as a true black-and-white follower of the maxim.

Won't that cast aspersions on Dwight as the possible father?

You guys have this whole pathos thing aced.

I don't remember the geography joke line at all. Was it in the cold open? That's the only part I missed (but will catch on DVR tonight).

After I've found a secluded spot to burn the bodies, then sit down to enjoy a quick sandwich to refill my energy before washing the burial implements, the jam doesn't stick to the roof of my mouth and remind me of how difficult it was to effectively muzzle the youngest one so her screams from the trunk didn't alert

But everyone calls him Fudge.

Agreed, that Pam's serves all looked like they were headed straight into the ass cheeks of whichever actor was standing directly in front of her.

I'm sorry, J.Goo, but your opinion is wrong. I'm not sure how that works, with the definitions of those words. But somehow, like an albino tiger, or an Even Cowgirls Get The Blues viewing party, it is.

I take solace in that she is on the wrong side of history, and by raising a dated, bigoted opinion she shows how we are learning to discount it bit by bit.

Seems unpossible to me, too.

Do you think he'll be jaded when he returns?

Yes. Until it was released in a softcover trade version, anyway.

I agree with Elitist Trash, regarding shamelessly liking Kokomo.

Heche: just know that it involves me using the phrase "security deposit" in a lascivious manner.

Lousy flick. Saw the twist coming on the day they announced the cast.

What's this "and the rest" crap?

(sighs, tucks away high-concept Marilyn Manson / Hanson buddy cop script)

Should I have gone with "aaaaaand scene!" instead?

Alternate title:
Zahn and the Art of Parachute Maintenance.