The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Kinda like the line for the bedroom at your mom's house.

Hold on. That sounds funny, and yet the sentence very clearly included the words "Kevin Nealon."

Like Ferris Bueller!

There are subtle but meaningful differences between couldn't and shouldn't.

As a writer and a burgeoning narcissist…
…it never fails to bring a smile to my face when I see the Kelly and Toby characters on The Office, knowing that they're being played by writers on the show who just had personalities that the show-runners recognized as worthwhile in front of the camera.

Just to spite you, I will neither try my waitress nor tip the veal.

But I have pop-pop in the theatre…

Elvis is for the children!

On account of your roomy and sonorous poop chute, one imagines.

We're still waiting for them to give you a better haircut.

Printed on a protest sign:

I'm not sure exactly why, but I cannot stop giggling at bascule's comment.


Cool. When do we hand out the Useless Contrarian Award?

Choke On My Chocolate Chubby, Vol. XIV.

Wait, if white-trash girls don't wear panties, was the giant word "Juicy" across her ass actually a TATTOO!?


EasyToPlease, I'm the exact opposite. I remember thinking, "Wait, they've started putting out a paper version of The Onion now?" when I first saw one at a newsstand.

Wait, out of those three men, Bradley Cooper is the one you choose as the standout comic force?

Unlike the 'F' key of certain posters.